14 April 2008

080414 - P.S. I Love You

OK, so I've already seen serbian movie Klopka (The Trap), it's watchable drama/crime movie, little above average (6/10) but nothing really special (it reminds me a little bit Before The Devil or Cassandra's Dream, but they are of course different league), on same level is turkish The Edge of Heaven (5-6/10), it's nice to hear some german/turkish language and I liked present Bremen/Turkey, but movie is quite unrealistic with overlaying stories (Crash/Magnolia/Babel...), it looked too artificial combined together and there are some plot holes. Klopka has easier and less artificial story and it's better. I watched danish Princess too, but wasn't very impressed by movie at all (4-5/10), just another revenge movie (as Oldboy/Kill Bill...) with pretty simple story and didn't like animation too, Persepolis was better for sure, this was too long for such story and didn't like experiments with real footage, it was disturbing. And I've seen diamond for which I waited long time and it was worth waiting - The Savages, it's FUCKING FUNNY comedy/drama (in this order, 1st C, 2nd D), I haven't laughed so much for quite long time (on any new movie), Linney/Hoffman together work very good (Unabomber/Restaurant Funeral/FEMA scenes for example), definitely must see movie, 8/10.

P.S. I Love You READNFO DVDSCR xVID-UNiVERSAL 2CD 126min - IMDB 7.0/6546 - pass:http://irfree.com - just another romantic movie w Swank/Butler


Anonymous said...

thanks man for all your hard work. we appreciate it...

Anonymous said...

Great going .. thx for ur work. A definite site in my boomarks.